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Clouded Leopard

Neofelis nebulosa

Cloudy Cat

As their name suggests, the clouded leopard has cloud-like spots on their fur. They weigh between 25–50 pounds, with males generally twice the size as females.

About the Species

Clouded leopards have an amazing climbing ability due to specialized anklebones.

These specialized bones make it possible for the clouded leopard to climb upside down, hang from their back feet and grab prey with their front paws, or even climb headfirst down a tree. The clouded leopard's long tail also provides balance while climbing. They are good swimmers too! Clouded leopards are ambush predators, stalking their prey from the ground as well as the trees. They prey upon small deer, wild boars, monkeys, and birds. Clouded leopards are believed to be solitary except for when breeding or mothers caring for their young. These beautiful cats are listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN Red List. Threats to clouded leopard include habitat loss and poaching, both contributing to the decline in wild population.

Words From the Experts


The SSP (Species Survival Plan) organizes the breeding of many endangered animals held in AZA-accredited zoos. Our pair of clouded leopards had a cub born here on April 25, 2014, who now currently lives at the Little Rock Zoo in Arkansas.



Did You Know?

In comparison to other cats, the clouded leopard has the longest canines in relation to their skull and body size.


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Southeast Asia

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Tropical forests

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2.2–3.5 feet long | 2-3 foot tail | 24–49 pounds

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Deer, wild boar, gibbons, macaques, slow loris, birds

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Humans, tigers, leopards

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Natural Defenses

Nocturnal nature and climbing ability

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1–5 cubs per litter

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Life Expectancy

11–13 years

  • Saving reptiles and amphibians
  • Saving Animals From Extinction
  • Culture Builds Florida
  • Florida Association of Zoos and Aquariums